Vet Candy

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Comparison of perioperative infiltration of analgesics during ovariohysterectomies in cats

Researchers evaluated the use of infiltration of the surgical site with ropivacaine alone and combined with meloxicam in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy.

Forty-five cats premedicated with acepromazine/meperidine and anesthetized with propofol/isoflurane were randomly distributed into three treatments. Group one received physiological saline, the second group received ropivacaine alone (1 mg/kg) and the third received a combined with meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg)

The treatment was infiltrated at the surgical site (incision line, ovarian pedicles and uterus).

Local infiltration with ropivacaine and meloxicam had decreased intraoperative isoflurane requirements and resulted in some evidence of improved analgesia during the early postoperative period. Neither ropivacaine nor the ropivacaine/meloxicam infiltration appeared to result in long term analgesia.

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Comparison of Perioperative Analgesia Using the Infiltration of the Surgical Site With Ropivacaine Alone and in Combination With Meloxicam in Cats Undergoing Ovariohysterectomy