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Three signs you are an introvert

For some people, being an introvert isn't as obvious. If you enjoy hanging out with your friends, aren't afraid to go out in public, or are even fine doing normally extroverted activities, you may wonder which side of the fence you're on. Here are some hints you're an introvert.

 The spotlight is not for you

While you might enjoy being in a play, helping on a large project, or even directing a business, you prefer not to be the one everyone is looking at. If you have an idea at work, you might mention it in private to someone who can make it happen—but you probably won't throw it out there at the next big meeting.

Your internal monologue never shuts off

Everyone has an internal monologue flowing through their minds. Your monologue just never seems to shut off. This keeps you from feeling lonely when you take long walks or spend time by yourself, but it can turn on you when you can't shut it off to go to sleep.

You feel more lonely at a party than you do by yourself

Even if you know a few people at a party, it can bring into stark relief how different you are from extroverts. While everyone else is dancing, chatting, and mingling, you're privately wondering how long it will be until you can leave. It's not that you don't enjoy parties, but they leave you exhausted rather than exhilarated.

 Being an introvert doesn't mean you completely isolate yourself from people, it just means you need more alone time than average in order to feel rested. Introverted people need time both with people and away from them in order to perform their best. If you can see yourself in these 3 signs, you're probably an introvert.