Fun things to do this summer

After months of dreary weather, summer is finally on its way. It seems like summertime is never long enough, but you can make it one of your most memorable by packing it with plenty of fun weekends and mini vacations. If you're ready to go all out, here are 5 fun things you can do this summer.

Overcome a fear

If spiders send you screaming and looking for a blow torch, or you're afraid of heights, this might be just the season to get rid of that fear. You might try visiting the zoo—and not skipping the reptiles section, or visit an aquarium that lets you get a pane of glass away from sharks. You'll feel amazing after overcoming a fear, and you'll make some great memories in the process.

 Take a road trip

There's probably tons of amazing things to see in your area. Have you been to them? Taking a tour of your own city, or visiting the highlights of your own state, can be an amazing experience. Even if you have no plans at all, hitting the road to see where adventures take you is a freeing experience.

Bust out the sidewalk chalk

You probably haven't played with sidewalk chalk since you were a kid. Why not try it with an adult's ability to plan, and heck,draw straight lines? You may be impressed with what you are capable of, and your art will be on display for the neighborhood. Best of all if you don't like it, blame it on the neighborhood kids or just hose it off.

Go on a butterfly hunt

Looking at our tiny friends in nature isn't generally something we do every day. Yet getting down in our gardens and really looking at what is there can change your perspective on life. You may find an amazing new world you never noticed before.

Under our feet every day is a busy world of ants, dragonflies, pill bugs, and so much more. Paying attention can make you feel as if you've gone on a safari, without ever leaving your own yard.

Unplug for 24 hours

Yikes. Letting go of our phones and tablets is a scary idea. We have become so used to being connected that the idea of disconnecting is scary. Yet when you finally let go, you're more free than you've ever been before. Imagine watching a parade without seeing it through your phone camera. Imagine a good night's sleep because you weren't up all night on your phone. The possibilities are endless.

Summer is a wonderful season. When it finally fades into fall, you'll want to be able to look back on your adventures and smile at how great the memory was. While you may not think unplugging is fun at first, the memories it could lead you too will no doubt stick with you as time goes on. Summers are short, so make the most of yours this year with these 5 fun tips.




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