Fun ways to get into shape 

Most of us dream of having a beach body that everyone envies, but we don't dream about all the work it takes to achieve that body. If you want to get in shape without resigning yourself to endless hours on the treadmill, here are 5 fun ways you can get in shape without hating it.

Take a hike

Surrounding yourself with natural beauty is a healthy and enjoyable way to get fit. You can go at any pace, and also choose how challenging it is. If you want to take it slow and easy you can try a flat trail through a forest. More challenging? Take a mountain trail up to a waterfall. Spending time outdoors is very healthy for us, and can also help reduce your stress and boost your immune system.

Take a martial art

There's nothing more inspiring than knowing that if you step into an elevator or walk to your car in the dark, you could probably mop the floor with anyone who tried to accost you. Martial arts are empowering, and have even been proven to help with depression and anxiety. Best of all, every time you shatter a board with your awesome kick, you're also burning calories and toning muscles.

Get your Wii Fit out of the closet

If you love video games, balancing on your wii board as you dance, zumba, or play sports can be a great way to stay fit. You don't have to hit the gym or even step outside to keep yourself fit and toned. If you don't have a wii fit, try downloading Pokemon Go! Again and giving it a whirl.

Play with the kids

When you take your kids to the park, its hours of endless running, screaming, and fabulous fun for the kids. They swing on the monkey bars, chase each other up and down stairs, and swoop down the slides before doing it all again.

Parents tend to sit on benches on the outskirts and let the kids have all the fun—but why not join in? You might be surprised how much fun you have, it is a full body workout, and you'll also get an incredible memory with your kids.

Build something

There's probably something on your to-do list that involves adding something to your house. Maybe it's a tree fort for the kids, putting in a raised garden bed, or refurbishing your deck. What ever it is, busting out your tools and taking care of it will burn calories and also give you something to check off your list. 

When we think of exercise, we tend to think of mind numbing repetition and boring machines. Exercise however, is a past time. You can make anything exercise, even small things like fidgeting while you work can burn as much as 350 calories a day. If exercise class isn't for you, these 5 ideas just might be the ticket to a leaner, stronger, you.





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