Three ways to cope with depression

If you suffer from depression, you know that you can't just “snap out of it” and that its more than just a mood. Well meaning friends and family may find it difficult to understand that depression is a real disease, and not simply a feeling that will pass with time. Although this is true, there are ways you can cope with depression.

Don't let go of your support network:

Your support network is your family, friends, and people you trust. These are the people who hold you up when you are at your lowest, and are there to take care of you when you need it. When you are depressed, it's easy to stop talking to these people and just let everyone go, but that will only make things worse. Keep in contact with your loved ones, and don't shut them out even when you're feeling depressed.

 Go Outside:

You've probably heard this one a lot by now, but going outside is one of the best things you can do for your health. Spending time in nature can ease symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as giving you a number of other health benefits such as a boost to your immunity and a reduction in stress levels.

 The link between going outside and improved mental health isn't related to exercise. You can spend time laying in the shade of a tree, or even hanging out at the beach. As long as you are outside enjoying nature, you'll benefit.

Get help:

Depression doesn't just go away. It isn't a passing feeling. It's a clinical condition that needs treatment. While you can't always stop episodes of depression any more than you can simply “snap out of it”, you can find ways to cope. Depression may be part of your life, but it doesn't have to be your life.



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