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Should you date your coworker?

We spend more of our waking hours at work than we do with our own family. It's pretty normal to discover you like one or two of the people you work with, and with so much time to strengthen your bonds it seems like a win-win situation. Is dating a coworker worth the risk? Here are 3 things to consider.

Check your work's dating policy

Some companies forbid dating other people affiliated with the business. If  you go against the rules and date a coworker, you could end up being fired. This is true even if you're the CEO of the business. In 2019 the CEO of McDonalds, Steve Easterbrook, was fired for dating an employee against company policy.

 Communicate clearly

Do you see yourself spending the rest of your life with this person, or are you just dating them until you meet “the one?” Make sure that you and your partner are both on the same page as to what your relationship is. You don't want them popping the question if you never planned to date them long term, or find yourself crushed if he finds someone else.

Have a break up game plan

The biggest issue with dating someone at work is that if things don't work out, you still have to see them every day. What will you do if you have a fight or break up, and you still need to work together on a project? Have a game plan in place while things are still going well so in the event this happens, you're prepared.

 Some people find their life partner at work, and happily live the rest of their lives together. Other times these relationships don't end well for their career or their love life. Dating a coworker should be handled carefully, and not at all of if the company policy forbids it. If you decide to date your coworker, go in with a game plan so you can hopefully have the best of both worlds.