Four things you need to know before trying to adopt

Adoption is a wonderful event that has brought happy tears to many families. It's an emotional time, and life changing for both parent and child. If you're considering adopting a child, here are some things you need to know before signing on the dotted line.

It won't be easy

Parenting is never easy, but children who are adopted often have special needs beyond that of a bilogical child. Older children may have abandonment issues, and struggle with the idea that their biological parents can't take care of them. They are old enough to remember the foster care system, and may think that if they've been abandoned before, you'll abandon them too.

Some children may have health conditions, such as Down Syndrome, or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which can make parenting them more difficult.

Even if you have a smooth transition, plain old parenting is not easy. It won't be scenic days at the park every day. Some days it's flooded bathrooms and spilled milk, and that's okay.

They are not a “rescue”

Giving a child a home and family is a wonderful thing, but it's important for you to not expect them to heap gratitude on your heads for taking them on. A child should never be made to feel like they somehow owe you for a family. Instead, let them know how much better your life is with them in it, and that you need them as much as they need you.

It's not always expensive

The price tag on a standard adoption is enough to make you faint. An adoption can cost as much as $40,000, which just isn't a realistic price tag for most people. Luckily, it doesn't have to be costly to adopt a child. In fact, some programs even allow you to adopt a child for little to no cost.

The foster to adopt program is one such way you can adopt a child without footing a huge bill. This isn't a guaranteed path unfortunately, because unless both parents have terminated their rights to the child, they can still be taken back. It does however, offer you a chance to get to know the child deeply before agreeing to adopt. If you can't afford the high cost of a standard adoption, this may be the only choice.

You have support

There are support services available to you if you choose to adopt. Adoption groups, informative websites, and even pre-adoption counseling are available should you need it. Taking advantage of these services can really help smooth the process.

Adoption is a wonderful option if you can't have biological children, don't want to go through the pregnancy process, or don't want to contribute to global population. Although adoption isn't the right choice for everyone, it can mean the world to you and the child you choose to adopt. If you've read all these and are still eager to adopt a wonderful child into your family, adoption is probably the right choice for you. It's not a decision to be made lightly, but it is a wonderful one.


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