How to stay excited and fulfilled by your job

You finally got your dream job. You have worked for years, maybe even decades to get where you are, and now---you're not excited about it anymore. Losing interest in your job happens. It could be burn out, it could be that job wasn't right for you after all, or it could just be you need to make some changes. Staying excited and fulfilled by your job is important, because we usually spend more of our waking hours at work than we do at home. If you're struggling, here are a few ways you can put some of the enjoyment back in your work.

Speak up

Are there projects at your work that interest you, but you never seem to get picked? Talk to your manager about taking on areas of work that have more meaning to you. Is there a particular reason at work you're not enjoying it anymore? Talking to your higher-ups, and more importantly feeling comfortable communicating with them, is an important first step.

 Be curious

When you first started your job, everything was new and interesting. As your work falls into routine, it becomes harder and harder to find new things—but they're still out there. Is there a certification course you haven't taken yet? A new direction you can go in? Use these as motivators to try new things. You may find that pushing your frontier leads to an area of your work you are still passionate about.

Explore outside of work

Trying new things outside of work can also help refresh your excitement. Taking a new class, having new experiences, and trying new things can help bring you back to work energized and ready for it. Sometimes our lack of interest isn't because we dislike the job or are no longer interested in it, but we have simply burned out for caring too much for too long.

Taking a step back can help us remember why we decided to enter that particular career in the first place.

Make friends with your coworkers

The other people you work with are people you see every single day. If you don't enjoy being around them, it can sap the joy right out of your work. Spending time with your coworkers and getting to know them can make working at your job more enjoyable, no matter what it is.

Take a sabbatical

Sometimes, you just need a break in order to enjoy work again. If you've been burned out for a very long period of time, it may take more than just a weekend off to recover from the fatigue. If you can afford it, talk to your boss about the possibility of going on sabbatical, and do something else for a while. When you come back, you may find everything is new again, and you have the energy to put the same love you once had for it back in.

Staying fulfilled in a job takes effort, but with the right strategy you can love your job for years to come. When you go to work excited about it every single day, you're not only benefiting yourself, but the people you work with.



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