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Dr. Mark Biederman’s extraordinary odyssey

Detroit native and Michigan State grad, Dr. Mark Biederman was twenty years old when he accidentally discovered hidden photographs of his father’s family.  

Although both of his parents were survivors of the Holocaust, his father survived the war, but died when he was a teenager. Like many survivors, his parents had always been reluctant to talk about their experiences.  

These mysterious photos led him on a twenty-year quest to learn more.  

Along the way, he learned that his father was the third person on Oskar Schindler’s list and once had a chance meeting with Adolph Hitler. His mother was selected as a cook for the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele. He also discovered that his father had hidden gold coins in an undisclosed location in Poland before his deportation to a concentration camp.

In 2019, Dr Mark and his wife, Randi published “Schindler’s Listed,” detailing their quest to unearth his family’s past and their journey to the U.S.

We caught up with Dr. Mark to learn more:

What inspired me to write this book:

I attended a lecture by a noted Holocaust historian and after it concluded, I told him my story. He was amazed and responded that I must write a book.  I had always wanted to write the story, but his enthusiasm was my ultimate inspiration.

How I learned about my family’s history:

I was 20 years old when I first discovered hidden photographs of my father’s family.  I began to seriously research what happened to them after that.  I always knew that my parents were both Holocaust survivors who lost everyone, but I never knew any specifics.

What I want readers to take from my book:

Ultimately, I want “Schindler’s Listed” to be an inspiration. It is the story of how my father survived and how I managed to uncover all the secrets of the family, including finding the mysterious gold coins, in spite of multiple obstacles.

How I felt when Schindler’s Listed was published:

It was a tremendous relief and also great satisfaction.  It is very hard to get a book written and then published.  There were so many times that I was ready to give it up.

What I want the book to accomplish:

I want “Schindler’s Listed“ to honor my father and his family which, until now, were completely forgotten and lost to history.

Get your copy on Amazon:

Schindler’s Listed on Amazon