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Comparison of collection methods for CSF fluid analysis horses

Researchers evaluated the collection times, cytology results, and equine protozoal myelitis (EPM) titers of CSF collected from the cervical vertebrae (C1‐C2) and lumbosacral (LS) sites to help identify the best location for evaluation of horses with neurological disease.

Fifteen healthy adult horses and 9 horses with signs of neurologic disease were examined. Cerebrospinal fluid collection from the LS space and C1‐C2 space of each horse was performed in randomized order.

The results indicate that the CSF fluid collected from the C1‐C2 site had a significantly lower mean protein concentration and red blood cell count. Collection time, total nucleated cell count, EPM titers, and serum:CSF EPM titer ratios were not significantly different between collection sites.

Study suggest that from the C1‐C2 space is superior to LS because of the decreased likelihood of blood contamination of samples.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Comparison of 2 collection methods for cerebrospinal fluid analysis from standing, sedate adult horses.