Why Dr. Hunter Finn wants you to up your strength game

All veterinarians share a passion for animals, but how that manifests is often unique to that person. Some show their love for animals through buying the most advanced equipment for their clinics. Others feel called to help with cancer, or offer cat friendly clinics for frightened cats.

Like so many others, Dr. Hunter Finn shows his passion for animals in his own unique way—by encouraging both owner and pet to get healthy.

Obesity is a growing problem

The obesity epidemic has caught the attention of the media for decades now, but it’s not just people that are growing larger. Pets are also getting bigger, and that means a shorter lifespan and often chronic health issues to go along with it.

Dr. Hunter feels very strongly about healthy living, and even has a human related fitness section on his website. He would love nothing more to see both human and pet clients transform into the healthiest possible version of themselves through the help he provides on his website, and through recommendations for the pet side of things at his clinic in Texas.

Outside of human fitness, he also actively encourages his clients to ask about diet and exercise for their pets. Dr. Hunter strongly believes that no single diet is perfect for every animal, and that individual needs should be taken into consideration in order to find the ideal diet for that pet.

Over the past year he’s become a social media sensation due to his warm and friendly TikToks and Instagram posts. He has amassed over 219K  Instagram followers, and well over 1.3 Million TikToks over just a few months. He has also been featured in magazines and on news websites.

Life long bonds with pets

Dr. Hunter also loves to see his patients, and to form long term bonds with the people who use his services. He is well known for taking his time to truly listen to the problems an owner is having, and to observe what the pet is telling him through body language.

It’s easy to forget the human side of things when diagnosing and treating pets, but the ability to listen is a very valuable skill for a veterinarian. Dr. Hunter is a favorite with his client, thanks to the amount of care he puts into his work.

New to the field

Dr. Hunter is a relatively new veterinarian,  he graduated from LSU in 2019, but he’s already made huge strides on the path to success. He cares very much about the people and pets that surround him, and strives every day to bring his best possible self to the clinic.

He does this by practicing good self care, and making sure that he represents what he believes in so strongly for his clients. Although he stays fit for health reasons, this may be why he was named the “Hottest Doctor of 2020” by GoGirl Magazine.

If you want to see him in action, check out his TikTok and Instagram to learn more about this charming young veterinarian.


Dr. Hunter Finn launches new podcast for pet parents


Music on the brain