Three rules for making tough decisions

Sometimes throughout our lives, we find ourselves faced with large and sometimes difficult decisions. These decisions often change the course of your life. Perhaps you are burned out at work and are considering a new career, or contemplating moving to a new city, state, or even country.


These are big decisions. It’s not as simple as choosing your next meal, or trying out a new sport. When you’re faced with one of these decisions, its helpful to think about it critically, so you can avoid mistakes while still jumping at opportunity.


What will this change mean for your future?

Try to think ahead before making a big decision. Will this change benefit you not just now, but 5 years in the future? If you hate your current work but will receive a pension if you hang on one more year, you may be trading short term relief for long term benefits.

It’s important to look at both long term and short term benefits before making a big decision.

Weigh the cost of failure

Some decisions are high risk, high reward. Before you plunge headlong down a path, consider what the worst outcome could be. If the worst outcome happens, will you be able to handle it? Although we go into a big decision hoping for the best, its helpful to consider what will happen if the worst does occur.

Its okay to go with what you know

You’ll be better able to evaluate whether a decision is a good one if you’re familiar with the topic. It’s okay to stick to what you know if you’re uncertain about the unfamiliar. If you think something may be a good choice for you and aren’t familiar with it, seek out the expertise of people you trust and who you know are familiar with the topic to help you make a decision.


Big decisions occur frequently in our lives. Taking the time to think them through first can really make a difference in your future.


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