Top 3 reasons to make a LinkedIn profile today!

Get your name highly ranked on Google

Let’s face it – the first thing an employer will do when you apply for a job will be to Google your name. If you haven’t done it already, I would suggest you Google your name to see what comes up! When you are active on LinkedIn, Google rewards you by listing your profile higher on search results for your name.

Increase your professional contacts

Remember how going to conferences and passing around business cards was how you obtained new contacts? In this new digital age this is no longer always needed! With LinkedIn, you can search for professionals in your field of interest, and connect with them so you can introduce yourself digitally. This allows you to network like never before – take advantage of this amazing opportunity to meet professionals from around the country so easily!

Research potential new employers

As much as companies will research you as a potential new hire – you need to research them as well! What are they posting on their social media platforms? Connect and talk with current employees of the business and ask them about their experiences. Find out about the benefits that this company offers (401 (k) match? CE allotment? Comprehensive insurance benefits?) these are all super important and doing your research early on will allow you to be more informed when applying to a new position.

LinkedIn is full of amazing, high quality professionals who are willing to connect and share experiences with you. So many Millennial’s and Gen Z’s aren’t taking advantage of this wonderful networking opportunity. This platform is great for professionally growing your brand and connecting with like-minded professionals that share your area of expertise!


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