Vet Candy

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UPDATE:  No correlation found between attractiveness and IQ

I thought that we as a society had already discussed the topic of “judging books by their covers” and the million reasons why NOT to do it. . . unless you’re an attractive female, then I guess patients will still undermine your intelligence. Perceived attractiveness and mental acuity have never - and will never - be mutually exclusive.

So why are we still talking about this? Women were just recently berated for not being intelligent if they posted a bikini photo, and now just being perceived as attractive by your patient automatically renders you unintelligent? Sounds utterly ridiculous to be completely honest.

A client-patient relationship is always maintained by the clinician with the utmost professionalism that is in the best interest of both parties. It is a bare minimum request to be treated with respect by a patient with whom we are working with to improve their quality of life, even saving their life.

This issue is deeper than just being rude to a woman – it’s an issue due to a lack of common human decency and respect to those around you. How you look is completely uncontrolled by an individual, so making any assumptions on the mental capabilities of an individual based on physical attributes and they are perceived has no relevance whatsoever.