Canine mammary gland tumor expression of Neurokini-1 receptor

Canine mammary gland tumour (cMGT) is the most common tumor in intact female dogs. Surgery is the only effective treatment for canine mammary gland tumor, and dogs with metastasis at the time of diagnosis or those diagnosed at an advanced stage have poorer prognosis.

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Neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1 receptor) is involved in cancer progression and has been detected in various malignant tumours including breast cancer in humans. They have also been shown to inhibit cancer progression.

Malignant and benign mammary gland tumors were evaluated for NK-1 receptor expression and relationship between expression and malignancy grade was analysed from 34 malignant and 35 benign tumors.

Overall, the scores for Neurokinin-1 receptor intensity, percentage of positive cells and overall immunohistochemistry were higher in malignant mammary gland tumors than in benign tumors and normal tissue. It was found that Neurokinin-1 receptor expression was not correlated with either malignancy grade or histopathological type, but expression was higher in malignant mammary gland tumors than in benign tumors and normal tissues.

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Canine mammary gland tumor expression of Neurokinin-1 receptor


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