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Simple ways to reframe a negative mindset

Ever have one of those days? No matter how hard you try, everything seems to go wrong. You couldn't find your keys, it made you late to work, your clients are angry, and everything else just seems to go wrong. As the day wears on, you begin to predict the next bad thing in your head, because that is just how the day is going.

While we certainly all have days where everything goes wrong, sometimes its also all in your head. A negative mind set can lead you to cherry pick the bad events from a day, and make a few bumps in the road seem bigger than they really are. If you find yourself on a negative train of thought due to a bad day, or even worrying about events that haven't come to pass yet, here are a couple ways to fix it.

Take a deep breath

When you're feeling down or stressed, a deep breath can be a big help to clear your brain and think positively again. A few minutes of brief meditation can help improve your mindset all on its own. Deep breaths are very calming, and may be just the reset you need in order to focus on the positive, or at least on how to fix the issues you are suffering from right at that moment.

Question Those Negative Thoughts

It's easy to stress about what might happen if you lose your job, but why are you worried in the first place? Did your boss look at you and frown? Are you in a vulnerable field? Did you recently make a big mistake at work?

Sometimes we have good reason for the things we worry about, but just as often we are worrying for no good reason. It could be that your boss was simply in deep thought or received some bad news. Others have made mistakes at your work in the past, and they are still around. Before you worry excessively, it may be best to look at that concern objectively, and see if it is really a problem.

Take Action

If you're imagining what awful thing is about to happen next, revision it in a way that allows you to do something about it. As long as you are imagining something awful that hasn't happened yet, you might as well imagine the tool to help yourself out of it too, right?

If you're stressed about the novel coronavirus, taking care to wash your hands and wear a mask are concrete things you can do. If you're worried about being late for the last train home, set an alarm to make sure you leave work early enough to catch it.

These steps can all go a long way to helping you reframe a negative mindset, and get back to thinking positive again. You are with your own thoughts more than you are with any other person on Earth. You might as well make it enjoyable.