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BradyBoots inventor, Natalie Malkut, is taking charge

Colorado native, Natalie Malkut, is more than a veterinary technician, she’s also an inventor. She recently created BradyBoots, an eco friendly way to comfortably monitor ECG patients and is now getting ready to launch the product commercially. We caught up with her to find out more.

If I wasn’t a vet tech, what would I be?  

If I wasn’t a veterinary technician, I would biomedical engineer.  I have a natural curiosity and am a very logical thinker and I like to make things.

Best career advice I received?

The best advice I ever received was to trust my gut.  As a veterinary technician, I saw firsthand that current ECG technology wasn’t the best for our patients.   Traditional methods of monitoring ECG in dogs involve pinching the dog’s skin with clips and attaching electrodes to the clips to get a good readout. These clips can be painful to the dogs after surgery and cause inflammation plus they create unnecessary waste because you have to dispose of after a single use. I had a feeling in my gut, that I could do better, and I did.  And that’s why I created Brady Boots. Brady Boots are silicone boots that are secured to the dog’s paws using Velcro straps. Electrodes are then attached to the boots, allowing for ECG monitoring throughout the procedure. The boots also prevent heat escape through the paws, helping keep the dog warm during surgery. After washing the boots, they can be used again in the next surgery.

Three qualities that got me where I am today:

Work ethic, flexibility, and determination

The moment I felt I made it:

I knew that I made it when an HR manager from Colorado State University contacted me to tell me I got my dream job.  I have never been happier!

Books that left a last impression on me:

The Rise by Danette May- it is the real story of the journey of a woman who suffered personal tragedy and was near bankruptcy and later found her true calling and created a multimillion-dollar business.

The Super power I’d like to have:

I would love to have the ability to read minds. Think how much easier our profession would be if we could understand exactly what animals were thinking.

How I clear my head after a crappy day:

If I have a bad day, I head to the gym.  Exercise makes your body release endorphins and it is the best way to bounce back into my happy zone.

Three qualities that matter with my friends:

Trust, Laughter and integrity

Advice to a someone with a broken heart:

Keep your head up.  This may sound like a cliché but, things happen for a reason.  Everyone that comes into our lives has something to teach.  

Work I’d do for free:

Quality control for a winery.  Simply put, I am a wine snob!

Change I’d like to see in our industry:

Veterinary technicians are super heroes and they need to be treated with respect and courtesy.  That means they should be paid a fair wage and be given benefits.  We are all in this together and we can’t do our jobs alone.  

Last thing I have binge watched:

The last show I binged watched was Game Of Thrones.  Now I understand all those GOT memes.

The song that always makes me cry:

Any song sang by Andrea Bocelli. 

Learn more about Natalie and BradyBoots by clicking on the link below:

Natalie Malkut 
