Vet Candy

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Why Dr. Becky Krull is packing her suitcase

Dr. Becky Krull, owner of Green Bay and Allouez Animal Hospital, will soon be on a mission to make things better for the people and animals of Central America.  In early February, Dr. Krull and her long-time veterinary technician Mandi, will travel to Big Corn Island in Nicaragua.  

This veterinary mission has been taking place on this island since 2016.Since then, more than 2,000 pets have been cared for and given vaccines to prevent heartworm, distemper and tick borne diseases.

We caught up with Dr. Becky to find out more about her life and her passions:

IIf I wasn’t a veterinarian, I would be:

So many things I would consider as a profession. Medical doctor very likely or a forensic investigator. Or maybe a flip flop salesperson on a beach somewhere.  I would make a great bartender, as long as I only served beer and tequila shots.

 Best career advice I ever received:

When my then boss, now business partner hired me, he said let veterinary medicine fall in your top 10 list of priorities but do not let it fall in the top 3.  It took me a bit to learn that lesson but now I adhere to it.

Three qualities that got me where I am today


Sense of humor


Most agonizing career decision I ever made: 

Leaving large animal/dairy track for small animal medicine

How it felt the first time I was on the news: 

I was nervous at the time but also very proud that someone wanted to know my opinion.

 Easiest career decision I ever made

I easily said yes to my first job offer and I am still at that practice, however now I am the clinic’s owner.

How did I make my first dollar

My Mom taught me to iron and I made my first dollar from ironing my Dad’s handkerchiefs.  I received one quarter for each handkerchief.

Book that left a last impression on me: 

Start With Why by Simon Sinek shows that the leaders who've had the greatest influence in the world all think, act, and communicate the same way -- and it's the opposite of what everyone else does. Sinek calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle, and it provides a framework upon which organizations can be built, movements can be led, and people can be inspired. And it all starts with WHY.

 How I clear my head after a stressful day

After a stressful day, I like to check in with my close friends and coaches. I also crank the music on the ride home.   

Advice for my younger self

To find joy in everything.  The world is as we perceive it. When negative bias drives us to see the world as horrible and sad, it is. When we retrain our brain to realize the world is good, people are good, and I want to find joy in all of that, my world has changed.

Change I would like to see in our industry and how we can get there 

The trials and tribulations we face in our industry are no different than our human counterparts.  When we take control of our own destiny we can find happiness and that is when we will truly find change.

Who do you admire and why:

My business partner, Dr. Neil Rechsteiner. He is truly a happy guy and he lives by his values.  He started at our practice as a kennel worker and bought the place in the mid-eighties.

Who was your hero growing up:

I looked to my parents for the examples of how to live a good life.  They are good people. Raised me to have respect and to work hard for what I want. They have been married for 48 years and continue to show that while marriage is hard work, it is also worth it!

 What adventure most change my life:

I took a trip to Rome in the Fall of 2017 and met the Pope. The whole event and trip was a spiritual awakening.

 What human qualities that I admire most:

Kindness, sincerity, and trust.