Study looked at common problems of West Highland Terriers

Researchers evaluated 6605 records of client owned West Highland Terriers presented to a primary veterinary clinic in the UK.

Results of the study:

Mean adult bodyweight was 9.6 kg, with males (10.1kg) being heavier than females (9.0kg.) Median age of the dogs evaluated was 7.8 years, with a median longevity was 13.4 years. Males (13.8 years) outlived females (12.9 years).

The most common grouped causes of death were lower respiratory tract, neoplastic and spinal cord disorder. 

More than 70% of the dogs had at least one disorder noted in the medical records during the evaluated year. The most prevalent specific disorders were periodontal disease, otitis externa, overgrown nails, allergic skin disorder, and obesity. Read more by clicking on the article below:

West Highland White Terriers under primary veterinary care in the UK in 2016: demography, mortality and disorders.


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