Vet school life hacks

Getting through vet school can seem like an impossible web of studying, class, and social life all at the same time. If you find yourself struggling to balance work, a social life, and your grades, here are a few tips to help keep things in check.

Sit in the front row

If you find it hard to pay attention in class, sit in the front row. If nothing else, when there's no shield of students in front of you to hide what you do from the teacher, you'll be less likely to text or sleep during the class. Sitting in the front row also has some other benefits however, you're more likely to get your questions answered by the teachers, and to hear explanations. 

Spend time with people you want to be like

You tend to emulate the people around you. If you want to get better grades, or handle your time more efficiently, it may be better to hang out with people who already have that capability. If you're constantly hanging out with people who only care about the next big party, you may not do as well at work or at school. It makes sense to find the people you want to be like, and spend time with them. 

 Lock up your stuff

That laptop you spent an entire summer saving for is as good as gone if you don't have a quality laptop lock. Make sure anything you value is secured behind lock and key, and don't assume no one would steal it. That means your car, your bike, and your apartment. Locking up your stuff is sensible, and will help you save money by not having to replace everything you own. 





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