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Three easy ways to save money during vet school

Vet students tend to have several things in common. They may have thousands of dollars in student loans at their fingertips, but at the same time they're all dirt poor since that money is all going to tuition. Money woes are extremely common for students, so if money is tight, here are three ways you can stretch your dollars to help work things out.

 Student Discounts

Many stores and online retailers such as Amazon offer student discounts. Even though 10% off may seem like a fairly small amount when you're just trying to buy enough ramen to survive for a week, that money can add up over time. Always ask about a student discount, and take advantage of it where ever you can.

Free/Rentable Textbooks

Textbooks are expensive. Buying them used on ebay or amazon can help lower the price, but only if that textbook is the right edition. Instead of struggling to come up with the $100 not covered by your student loans for one single book, you can get them free on several websites such as or MIT's Open Courseware.

 Check the sylabus in advance to make sure your teacher is okay with downloadable content. If they're not, renting a textbook is also an option. Many companies allow you to rent the textbook for a fraction of the cost of purchasing, and it's not like you're going to use it after you leave college, so why not?

Pay on student loans now

More fearful of how you're going to handle loan payments than college life itself? If you can afford it, now is the best time to put money on your loans.

Budgeting for your college life is important, and these simple tricks can help you on the path to saving more money.