Two power poses that every woman should master

Women in the workplace often struggle to find their way on paths already dominated by men. Getting your thoughts out there takes a certain amount of confidence, and when the odds are already stacked against you, it can be hard to find those words.

Thanks to the hard work of the women who have come before us, it isn't as hard as it once was to reach the top as a woman. Men and women in top positions are more open to listening to the ideas of those below them—but in order to be able to communicate those ideas, you need to have the confidence to speak up, and to value your own ideas first.

 If you have a big meeting coming up and need a quick boost to your confidence, here is one quick way you can get that confidence boost: power poses.

 Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy recommends using body postures to help you adjust your attitude to where you want it to be. The thinking is that your mind can be tricked into having the attitude you want, by posing your body in ways that mimic that attitude.

Super woman pose

To achieve an attitude of confidence, stand with your legs a little wider than hip width apart, put your hands on your hips, and tilt your chin upwards. This “I can do anything” pose will help you get exactly that attitude.

Hands up in the air

Although men have gotten in trouble for “man spreading” on buses and other areas where space is important, spreading to take up more room is actually a display of power in itself. The more space you take up, the “bigger” you are.

Spreading out and taking up as much space as possible is a great way to make yourself feel more confident, and can help give you the strength to speak up at that next meeting.

The best part of all is if you're worried about looking silly while striking one of these poses, you don't have to worry. The mental effects are the same whether you're doing to practice at home.


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