Dr. Angela Demaree redefines what it means to be a superwoman

Dr. Angela Demaree is many things, a veterinarian, activist, businesswoman, podcast host, and US Army veteran.  This Purdue grad, who once ran for congress, can be described in one word: fearless.   In 2018, after more than 10 years with the reserves, Dr. Angela co-founded the start-up Pinpoint Pharma,  a West Lafayette, Indiana -based company specializing in custom compounded medication for pets. This isn’t your grandpappy’s compounding pharmacy, Pinpoint has a proprietary technique that allows their manufacturing team to print medicine on demand in any form and any flavor- the ultimate in customer experience.

We caught up with Dr. Angela to learn more about how she balances her work and her life:

The guilty pleasure I don’t feel guilty about:  I love sneaking out to the barn during the day for a long ride on my horse.  There’s nothing like the human-animal bond to give you a second wind to tackle the tough tasks of the day.

The show that always brings a smile to my face: The Big Bang Theory is my favorite show.  I love how they've made difficult scientific concepts easy to understand as well as promote careers in STEMM. I am just disappointed that Sheldon didn’t go to veterinary school!

Ways I have simplified my morning routine? The first thing I do is put on my workout clothes and take the dog for a walk.  That way I can get a 20 min workout in before I start my day.  I also have a healthy shake after my workout instead of a full breakfast that I would have to cook.

How I stay excited about and fulfilled by my job: I love being part of something extremely innovative like printing veterinary medicines.  However, like everyone else, I can get overwhelmed.  So, I have learned to change my mindset.  When I start to feel overwhelmed by what "I have to do" I remind myself of what "I get to do,.”  It always brings a smile to my face. 

How do I make decisions when I am stumped: When I get stumped, I ask myself five questions to make every decision easy and aligned with my goals and values.  The first question is it aligned with my values. Then I progress to questions around when I'll start this project. Can I continue to serve with excellence while adding one more thing to my plate?  If no, then I pass or decide to table it to reconsider later.  Check out this link for a worksheet to help make decision making easier. 

Lessons learned from my last decade of my life: Always appreciate the importance of relationships.  Spend more time on improving relationships with family and friends.  Also, learn how to enjoy your life.  Take time to get lunch, take a long walk outside, or have dinner with your family.  The sky won't come crashing down if you take a few minutes to keep your energy levels high throughout the day.

Books I’ve recently read and loved: Atomic Habits, The Latte Factor, You are a Badass (anything by Jen Sincero) and The Blue Sweater (a must read for anyone interested in public health)

My ten second stress relievers: When I get stressed, I take a walk outside.  If I am in my office, I will take a break and just close my eyes and take ten deep breaths.  After sitting at a computer or being inside it helps to relieve tension.  I think we sometimes forget to breathe and take in a little extra oxygen. This also helps get me focused for the next task.  

How do I turn bad days around: Last year, I had one day that was off to such a bad start that I set the clocks in my house and on my phone back three hours and started my day over. My noon meeting was now at 9 am but the technology figured it out regardless of what time it was and rather than get bogged down with a bad day, I had a "do-over!"



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