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An experimental vaccine for cats that help people with cat allergies

Cat allergy in people is usually caused by the major cat allergen Fel d 1 . Researchers developed a conjugate vaccine that contains ecombinant Fel d 1 and a virus-like particle derived from the cucumber mosaic virus containing a tetanus toxin–derived universal T-cell epitope to immunize cats. The new vaccine new vaccine would help treat allergy in people by immunizing cats against their own major allergen.

According to the study, the vaccine was well tolerated and no major adverse effects were noted. The vaccine induced a strong and sustained specific IgG antibody response. The resulting anti–Fel d 1 antibodies showed a strong neutralization ability tested both in vitro and in vivo, including a reduction in the endogenous allergen level and a reduced allergenicity of tear samples.

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Immunization of cats to induce neutralizing antibodies against Fel d 1, the major feline allergen in human subjects