Tramadol for canine pain management

Study evaluated the efficacy of two intravenous analgesic protocols, preoperative administration of meloxicam and tramadol, or meloxicam alone, in free-roaming dogs undergoing sterilization surgery.

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A total of 125 dogs were included, with 64 dogs in the meloxicam-tramadol group and 61 dogs in the meloxicam-only group. Pain levels in the surgery patients were assessed at four time points after surgery using the Colorado State University Canine Acute Pain Scale, a Visual Analogue Scale and a modified version of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale - Short Form.

One dog from the meloxicam-tramadol group and four dogs in the meloxicam-only arm required rescue analgesia, with no difference between groups.

The study demonstrated that meloxicam was effective in controlling postoperative pain in a high proportion of dogs, but the addition of tramadol alongside meloxicam treatment was not found to be of clinical benefit.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Randomised trial of perioperative tramadol for canine sterilisation pain management.


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