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Can't afford a vacation? Then try this!

If you're dreaming of a vacation in some exotic local, you may have gone as far as looking up how much a trip to Japan would cost—-and being shocked by the price tag. It costs money to go on vacation, and visiting far away places can cost thousands of dollars.If you'd rather not spend that money, or can't afford it, you can still have a fun adventure without leaving your home state. In fact, many people haven't even toured their own cities. If you're ready to adventure at home, here are a couple of tips to get you started:

Check Trip Advisor

One of the easiest ways to find things to do in your area is to put on your tourist cap and look around as if it actually were a far away city. Trip Advisor will not only tell you what people thought of the area you live in, it'll also tell you what's available. You may not even know there's a museum tucked behind that strip mall, or an amazing hike just a few minutes away, but Trip Advisor knows. Check it out to see what's available in your area.

Take a train and see where you end up

We often get stuck in the rut of going back and forth on set routes. Have you ever thought about taking the train toward your usual destinations—and then keep going? The thrill of theunknown can be a powerful adventure, and it may surprise you what town or city you experience when you finally get off.Best of all, train tracks don't suddenly change locations, so you won't get lost because your phone with its GPS app died and you don't know how to get home. The train will always take you back the exact way it came, making it a fun way to explore.

Ask your friends where to go

Your friends share a lot of experiences with you, but they also have differnet lives too. They may know about agreat ramen place that serves the best Karage, or they may know about an event or a zip line you have to try. Asking them can not only help you find adventure, it can also give you some partners to join in on the adventure.

Check meetup

New places aren'tthe only adventures you can have. New adventures can come in a variety of different styles, including new skills. Meetup is a great way to find other like minded people who have skills you are interested in learning. Check them out to find groups that interest you.You don't have to travel to the other side of the world to experience something new. The world all around you is constantly changing and developing. Places come and go. Things change. All you have to do is look for the adventure around you, andyou'll soon find tons of adventures to go on right there in your own state.

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Have an adventure without leaving your town