Ultrasound characteristics of feline transitional cell carcinomas

A study evaluated the characteristics of transitional cell carcinomas (TCC) in cats. While TCC in cats is considered rare at a prevalence of 0.18, clinical signs of the disease are similar to other urinary tract diseases such as feline idiopathic cystitis.  A study evaluate 20 cats TCC confirmed through histopathology or cytologically.  Ultrasound studies evaluated tumor shape, number, of isolated masses, location within the bladder, amongst other parameters. The study revealed that feline and canine TCC had similarities when viewed using ultrasound. Statistically significant differences were found with location of the bladder mass with cats more likely to be mid-body vs trigonal in dogs. Urethral extension of the tumor was less likely in cats than dogs.

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Ultrasound characteristics of feline urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma are similar to canine urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma.


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