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Three easy ways to save the planet

While politicians debate whether or not climate change is real the rest of us are experiencing it. Places that were once dry are now wetter and wet places are drier. The severity of storms has increased exponentially and even a mild hurricane can inundate a large city. We don’t have to wait until our leaders come up with a plan. We can start on our own.

Recycle, reduce, reuse

These are fairly easy to do. Have a recycling barrel with your trash barrel. Empty cardboard boxes, newspapers, bottles and cans can just as easily be put in it. Look for products with less packaging and consider on-line newspaper and magazine subscriptions. Get reusable grocery bags and skip the “paper or plastic” question at checkout.



What we eat does have an impact on the environment. Eating more locally grown food reduces the amount of fuel it takes to get it from farm to market. Reducing the amount of animal protein cuts back on the amount of animals that need to be grown,fed, watered and so forth. Eating fruits and vegetables in season in your area means fewer imports from other parts of the country or even out of the country, again saving on fuel.


Drive less

There are a lot of options for this. If it’s close, you can walk. Many people can ride a bike and there is always public transport. A lot of companies have vanpools and even if they don’t you could join a carpool. This goes for children also. They don’t necessarily have to be driven to school by the same parent every day. You can organize carpools so that you drive only one week a month. Small changes can make a big difference over time. Even if you change just one tiny thing, you'll be helping to make the world a better place.


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Reduce your carbon footprint