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Management of persistent tachycardia using esmolol

Two cases are evaluated for efficacy of esmolol in the management of persistent tachycardia.  In the first case, septic shock with ventricular tachycardia was diagnosed in a 4-year-old neutered female Great Dane. The patient's tachyarrhythmias failed to respond to lidocaine, and an esmolol infusion was used for heart rate control.

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The condition of the dog improved and she was discharged after 4 days of hospitalization. The second case was a 7-year-old neutered female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with septic peritonitis. Following surgery, supraventricular tachycardia developed that was not responsive to volume resuscitation and was treated with an esmolol infusion. The condition of the dog improved and she was discharged after 6 days of hospitalization.  

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Successful management of persistent tachycardia using esmolol in 2 dogs with septic shock.