Warning Signs of a Bad Romance

In 2015, new research came out on a very unusual topic. Scientists looked at relationship deal breakers, and discovered that we all have them. Even if you are a very open person who is accepting of most traits in your potential partners, you probably have one or two things that are a deal breaker for you too.

The three most common deal breakers:

They're married to someone else

When you are looking for love, you usually do it with the understanding that the other person is looking for love too---because they're single. When you discover they're not only cheating, but engaged in a full double life with another person, that spells trouble.

They're abusive or have major anger issues

Nobody enjoys snuggling up to an activated bomb. Life is stressful enough, but fear of being assaulted for mistakes you've made by the very one who is supposed to love you is unsurprisingly also a deal breaker.

A person doesn't have to be physically abusive either. Verbally abusive partners are just as likely to be deal breakers as physically abusive partners.

They abuse alcohol or drugs

No matter how wonderful a partner might be, when they get hooked on alcohol or drugs they change in dangerous ways. It can be difficult watching the person you knew and love transform into someone else. Sometimes these problems can be worked through, but many times, especially in newer relationships, this is a major deal breaker.

 Everyone has something that makes a relationship a deal breaker. What those are may be different for every person, but no matter what that one thing may be, there is something that will signal the end for every relationship.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Factors that help women leave abusive relationships



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