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Secrets of Healthy Eating for Two

When you find out your pregnant, that moment of joy is swept along with a mixture of other emotions. Is the baby healthy? Are they getting all the nutrition they need? Is the junk food you were enjoying right up to the second you found out you were pregnant hurting the baby?

Diet is linked to health. While it probably won't harm anything if your diet was less than stellar before you knew you were pregnant, adopting a wholesome diet as soon as possible is one of the best things you can do for your baby. Here are 3 amazing foods that will help your baby grow.


One of the most critical nutrients you need early in your infant's development is folate. Without enough folate, serious birth defects can occur such as Spina Bifida. It's vital to your baby that you get enough folate as early in the pregnancy as possible. Oranges are a very rich source of folate with one large orange giving you as much as 14% of your daily value. Other great sources include asparagus, beets, and eggs.

Sockeye Salmon

We all know that mercury is a big concern for developing babies, but so is not getting enough omega-3 fatty acids. By being selective about where you get your omega-3s you can give your baby all the bran boosting fats she needs with less of that dangerous mercury.

Sockeye salmon comes from the still relatively pure pacific northwest, which has a much lower incidence of mercury, making it better than other types of salmon.

Dark leafy greens

Anemia is a common problem for women even when they're not pregnant. Dark leafy greens offer you a good source of iron as well as other important nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, folate and potassium. Fiber is particularly useful to pregnant women, since constipation is a frequent problem women suffer during pregnancy.

Whole grains

It's tough for women to get all of the nutrition they need for themselves and their babies. Whole grains contain B vitamins, fiber and magnesium. These essentials are often lacking in our diets. Replace white bread, cereals, and other refined grains with whole grain goodness to get the most nutrition for your baby.


Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. Your blood volume increases rapidly, amniotic fluid increases, and the baby needs fluids of its own. That means a lot of water. Your baby will get all the liquids she needs without your help—but that could lead to you getting dehydrated. Symptoms of dehydration include headaches, nausea, and constipation. These are all things as a pregnant woman you are battling already. You certainly don't need more of it! Drink up, for both your well being and hers.

Eating well during pregnancy is the best way to help your little one get a good start in life. Help them get all the nutrition they need for a healthy mind and body by eating sensibly through your entire pregnancy.

Learn more by clicking on the articles below:

Foods to eat when pregnant

Healthy eating while pregnant