Mental Health Day?

For most people, taking a sick day is for severe cases of the flu and nothing less. We work more than ever before, and look at taking a day off for any reason as some kind of weakness. The truth is that even the best of jobs can be mentally taxing, and sometimes taking a break to recharge can be extremely beneficial. If you're not sure whether you need a mental health day, here are the top 3 signs:

You're distracted by life

Separating your job from your life is important, but sometimes it can spill over. If all you can think about is a problem you are trying to overcome in your day-to-day life, taking a day off to address it can not only make you feel better, but also improve the quality of your work as well.

When you need to do some self care

Whether you need to see a doctor to address mental health concerns, or you just need a break from the demands of work and home, a self care day can sometimes be necessary. Even if that self care is simply reading a book by the window on a rainy day, that recharge can help you come back to work fully charged.

When work stress is crushing you

If you lay awake at night for hours because of problems at work, a mental health day to escape that pressure can be helpful. It's okay to take a break from the stress of work occassionally, but if you find yourself reaching for mental health days often as a coping method, it might be worthwhile to consider finding a less stressful job instead. Work is part of life, and if you're not happy in it, it's best to fix it.

Mental health days are nothing to be ashamed of, and can be a powerful tool in managing our stress and well being.

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Mental Health Day


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