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Why the Mountain Method Works

We all know that kids are great at making messes, but maybe not so great at cleaning them up. You tell your children to clean their rooms, only to come back and find the “Clean” room is just stuff shoveled under the bed or behind the door.

After sending them back to clean over and over again, you end up helping. (Well, doing it all.) The very next day the room is trashed again, and you are faced with having to do it all over again.

Getting kids to clean up is a nightmare, but there's a method of cleaning that really helps—the mountain method. The mountain method helps kids focus to get things clean without parent help.

How do you do it? Simply sweep all their toys, clothing, and other items into a huge pile in the center of the room. Everything from under the bed, behind the door, and on top of the dressers. Give them a laundry basket, a trash bag, and a donation box, so they can clean up trash and put away dirty laundry at the same time.

This helps children see what it is you want them to do, and know that shoving it back under the bed will just result in the mountain being heaped back up again.

Give yourself relief by using the mountain method to help your children clean. Teaching kids to clean independently isn't just a relief for you either, it helps build strong skills they need later in life.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Mountain Method