Characterization of otic bacteria microbiota in dogs.

Otitis externa is one of the most common reasons for veterinary visits, but little had been known about the microbiota of a heathy ear.  A study was performed to compare microbiota in normal dogs compared to those with otitis externa. Samples of DNA were taken from 18 dogs with confirmed otitis and 8 in dogs with healthy ear and were isolated and sequenced. The study showed that otitis externa is accompanied by broad and complex differences in the microbiota.

Study showed:

  • Bacteria from 27 different phyla were identified.

  • Ears belonging to dogs with otitis had significantly decreased alpha diversity when compared to healthy ears.

  • Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Parvimonas, were over represented in dogs with otitis

 Read more:

Characterization of the otic bacterial microbiota in dogs with otitis externa compared to healthy individuals.


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