Vet Candy

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Why We Are Rooting for Dr. Marta Sanchez- Emden

Dr. Marta Sanchez-Emden is our hero! Not only is this mom of two a boss (she’s the owner of Animal Health and Rehab Center in Miami, Florida) she is also the resident veterinarian for Telemundo, a Miami-based Spanish television channel, and a world champion fencer. In fact, she’s currently training for a big competition in Cairo, Egypt in October.

Vet Candy asked some questions to learn more about this inspirational veterinary professional.

I have an intense fear of flying roaches. Believe me, this is a very common fear from anyone living in a tropical environment.

My biggest pet peeve is when people keep talking about wanting to start doing something specific, but never actually do it. I am a woman of action and I admire that quality in others.

To get out of a bad mood I work out. Putting my focus on exercise is the easiest way for me to stop thinking about negative issues and focus on myself. It is the ultimate stress buster.

What makes me most happy is being together with my two sons and my husband

I can’t stop talking about fencing. I think everyone should try a class and see for themselves. It is a very cool hobby that will impress your friends and keep you in shape. Fencing has long been the sport of royalty. It is one of the oldest sports. In fact, ballet originated in the 15th century Italy as a dance form of fencing.

The sport of fencing works out your legs, gluteal, core and arm muscles. It’s also a brainy sport since it works out cognitive skills such as quick problem solving and  strategic planning. Recreational and competitive fencing can be practiced as a kid (my son is training now), as a teenager, as an adult, or as a “veteran” (40 to 90 plus years old). The best part of it all is that you get to wear your own superhero uniform made of fabrics made of high-tech materials like Kevlar and Nomex. These materials are five times lighter than steel and can survive five times as much force. They are commonly used to make bulletproof clothing, ropes, and tires.

Find a club by searching the link below and ask for a free intro course.

US Fencing Clubs