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Why Macros Matter

Macronutrients commonly referred to as macros are an important addition as they make up the calorie content of food. There are three categories of macros i.e. protein, carbohydrates and fats. These three categories are known to restore the normal function of your body while at the same time keeping health complications at bay. It is important that you count your daily intake of macros and not just your calories since where you get them also matters.

Counting your macros is very important as it helps you get the right amounts of proteins, fats and carbs. These nutrients are essential in that they help you reach your fitness goals be it putting on muscles or losing some weight.  Every meal plan should have a proper balance of all the three macros. When your diet is low in proteins, then you are at a greater risk of losing muscles instead of weight. If you are not getting enough carbs, you may be low in energy, while low fats are known to cause hormonal imbalances.

Before counting macros, you have to determine how much of each nutrient you will need in a day. This action will be based on your individual fitness goals or body composition. After determining the amount of macronutrients, you must be ready to track calories. Therefore, you will have to track how many grams of proteins, carbs and fat, a food will provide. With this information, you can base your macro diet around foods that will help you attain your daily macro targets. In the end, you can get to meet your fitness goals without necessarily having to break a sweat.