Three Tips for Packing the Perfect Lunch for you Kids

Nothing is more deflating than opening up your kids lunchbox after school and finding it mostly full.  Despite your best efforts to be that perfect mom, that makes the most envied lunches, you can expect that your kids may not be happy with your choices.   That’s why I have these three simple tips to make lunch boxes more kid appealing. 

·        Don’t pack something new they haven’t tried before; a nervous child or short lunch period is not an ideal situation for trying out a new meal idea. Consider having them help you assemble it, so that there are no surprises

·        Don’t pack something that will end up soggy in a few hours, consider a hard plastic or stainless-steel sandwich container; keep wet or juicy side options separate from dry ones with compartment dividers, mini silicone muffin holders, or wrapped in tinfoil

·        Don’t pack “what everyone else is packing”; just because some kids might be getting juice boxes, bags of chips, or Lunchables does not mean you should follow suit. Your child’s lunch should resemble the foods you serve at home. Be the positive role model for other parents instead of falling victim to peer pressure




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