Three organizational tips for veterinary professionals

I have always prided myself on my organizational skills, I was the Marie Kondo of Rutgers. But, my life changed when I moved from the hills of New Jersey to the mountains of Colorado, and my skills were challenged quickly when I became a vet student. These are my tips for making your crazy life less crazy:

  1. Write it down: iCal or Google calendar. Ditch the old fashioned organizer and embrace an online calendar. The benefits are you can carry it with you everywhere and sync up your devices so your calendar is cohesive regardless if whether you are inputting information on your phone, tablet, or laptop.

  2. De-cluttering. As my hero Marie Kondo would say “does it bring you joy?” If the answer is no, or if you haven’t worn/used something in the last 6 months- 1 year, you don’t need it. I started bringing clothes to a local thrift store as an easy way to make some money without having to deal with stranger danger on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace. My friend recommends donating gently used items to the veterans - they will pick up your items outside your home and leave you with a receipt for tax deductions.

  3. Errand efficiency: When I need to run errands, I think about where I need to go geographically and complete multiple tasks in that area. I utilize Amazon Prime when I can wait a couple of days. I especially love the subscription service with Prime, where you can get your most used items delivered on a regular basis. Delivery service for groceries are also a great time and money saver. You can make sure you get only the items you need, without making impulse buys of items you definitely don’t need, and then have them delivered to your door. Some places even offer discounts for first time users.


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