You should expect these 5 common interview questions

Resident career coach Win Sheffield wants you to nail your next job interview. Here are 5 of the most common interview questions that he says you should prepare before any interview.

  1. Tell me about yourself. Your future boss wants to know about the value you bring, not your golf prowess. Keep this answer to 45 seconds and hit 2-3 major points.

  2. Why should we hire you?  Do your homework and completely understand the job duties and the company’s mission and use that to base your response.

  3. What is your greatest weakness? You can keep this lighthearted: “I’m a workaholic or I have bad handwriting” or you can share a weakness that you have overcome or are addressing.

  4. What is your greatest strength? Variation of number 1.

  5. Do you have any questions?  Ask 2-3 smart questions that do not relate to salary. Make sure to do your homework on the company before and ask questions that relate to the business.

Bonus tip: wait to negotiate salary, if at all possible, until you are sure the company is making an offer.


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