5 Reasons veterinarians should pay attention to the World Economic Forum

Global leaders met in Davos recently to discuss global issues, many of which have the potential to shape and impact the veterinary profession for future generations.  What’s the 4th Industrial Revolution? Watch this super cool video from the WEF.

  1. Greater transparency in the food supply chain could more rapidly identify the source of food borne illness outbreaks.

  2. The status quo of leadership won’t survive much longer; One leadership style that will thrive in the 4th Industrial Revolution (Technology and Innovation) include those that understand the value of disruptive innovation, think how Lyft and Uber revolutionized the taxi industry and ask yourself, how will veterinary medicine change over the next few decades?

  3. Let’s get political, as politicians around the globe place a greater focus on nontraditional economic metrics such as healthcare and public health infrastructure, does it provide additional opportunities for veterinarians in public health?

  4. Also on the agenda was a discussion of a new era of biological threats, think One Health, and,

  5. A discussion on mental health matters… Sound familiar? The CDC recently published their study on Suicide Among Veterinarians in a recent JAVMA.


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