Don’t tell Dr. Cindy Barnes that women don’t do tech

After years running her emergency veterinary clinic in Arizona, Dr. Cindy became frustrated with practice management software offerings.  Nothing fit her need as a veterinarian or a practice owner.  She wanted something simple and intuitive that would connect her team to customers.

So, she decided to make a change and, in 2016, she founded, a cloud-based PMS. Today, Shepherd is being used by veterinary practices across the nation and around the world.

Learn more about this inspiration veterinarian who’s trying to make veterinary practice software easy.

If I wasn’t a vet, what would I be? If I wasn’t a veterinarians, I would be a horse trainer. My love for horses began at a very young age and I most admire their spirit. 

Three qualities that got me where I am today:

The three qualities that got me to where I am today are: Not being afraid of failing, tenacity, and courage to take chances

 Most agonizing career decision

My most agonizing career decision was to walk away from my veterinary practice to focus on my software company.  I was at a critical stage and I needed to focus completely on making the program perfect.    

Moment I felt I made it:

The moment that I felt that I had finally made it was when I first owned my own practice and wrote those first checks out to my staff.  I was finally the boss!

 Books that have made a lasting impression on me:

How Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman, M.D.

This book can be described as a window into the mind of the physician and an insightful examination of the all-important relationship between doctors and their patients. The author explores the forces and thought processes behind the decisions doctors make.

Stores I can’t leave without buying something – 

I can’t leave Sur La Table without spending money.  I love to cook and I love to eat great tasting food.  I love this store’s cookware, kitchen products, and linens.  Even though I spend a lot of time in the barn, I want to enjoy my meals at a well designed table.  

 How I clear my head after a crappy day

Okay, we all have days when things don’t turn out like we expect.  When I do, I simply facetime my granddaughter and she makes everything right.  She is also a big animal lover and I hope one days she becomes a veterinarian, too.

 The beauty essential I must have:

My favorite go to beauty essential is high quality mascara.  I can’t leave the house unless I have mascara on.  

Advice to anyone with a broken heart

My advice to anyone with a broken heart is to remember that you are worthy, you are beautiful, and you deserve better. Also, you will heal, it just takes time.  

Change I would like to see in my industry

Being a mother and now a grandmother, I want to see our profession make  accommodations for mothers, especially when it comes to maternity leave policies and breastfeeding.  Being a mom is tough, but without support it becomes impossible to balance personal life and family life. 

Who I  admire and why? 

I really admire Kenichiro Yagi, RVT.  He’s always thinking outside the box to create a better profession for veterinary technicians.  He’s also an incredible human being. 

Song that always makes me cry

Alan Jackson's Where were you.  This song makes me cry every time I hear it. The song is based on Alan Jackson’s own experience on September 11, 2001. Jackson had finished walking outside and returned indoors to discover news of the attacks on television. He immediately wanted to write a song expressing his thoughts and emotions, he didn't want to forget about how he felt that day.  

On the top of my bucket list

On top of my bucket list is a tour of Northern Region of Italy, eating the incredible food while drinking Barolo & Barbaresco.

What I am exceptionally good at:

Being a “nana” and building amazingly happy vet teams

Craziest thing I did for love

The craziest thing I did for love was get engaged two weeks after meeting my husband.  I am sure most people would think that was very strange but I knew right away that I wanted to spend  the rest of my life with him.  






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