Four ways to boost your happiness at work 

Even the best jobs have a down side. You may love your career, but a recent failed project, a setback in your career, or maybe even an annoying coworker, can all be a detriment to how you feel about your workplace.

 If you live in America where long hours are the norm, you probably spend most of your waking hours either at or preparing for work. It makes sense to be as happy as possible while you are there. While you can't do anything about some of the downsides to your job, here are a few things you can do to boost your happiness at work.

Personalize your workspace

a UK study found that workers who were allowed to personalize their workspace were happier and more productive by as much as 32%. This study was conducted over 2,000 workers, which helped to create a pretty good picture of how a personalized workspace stacked up against those who couldn't change anything at all. Other studies have shown the same thing.

 If you're allowed to, bring in a favorite photo, a potted plant, or other personal things that will make your place feel more comfortable to you.

Wear a mood boosting outfit

Sometimes, even just a change in your clothing can make you happy. Whether its the “power outfit” that makes you feel on top of the world, or a special piece of jewelry your grandma gave you, changing what you wear can have a difference in how you feel.

Take a walk on your lunch break

Exercise and outdoor time both have something in common—they release endorphins that help make you feel happier. A quick walk at lunch break will give your mood a lift, and even if it doesn't, you'll feel better about burning off a few of those calories. 

Change things up

Many times, it's not that we're unhappy with our work per se, but things are so boring and monotonous that we dread repeating it again. A break from the norm can help refresh you and make you better able to handle the routine.

Sometimes, it's also possible that you need to change things up by moving to a different company. Even if the pay is great and your coworkers are nice, if you don't find real meaning in your work it won't make you happy. If upon reflection you realize that your work just doesn't match up with your values in life, it may be time for a change in jobs.

 How happy you are at work is just as often a mindset as anything else. You can make a big difference in how you feel about your job by choosing to make the best of it. Whether you just need to make a few changes to find meaning in your work, or you need to move in a whole new direction, its worth evaluating what will make you happy in your work. After all, you probably spend more time with your work family than you do at home.


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