Three tips to make running fun

Many people see running as a way to lose weight and feel better about themselves. Running is a fantastic form of exercise, and when you run outdoors, you not only get exercise, you also get the mood lifting benefits of fresh air and sunlight.

Unfortunately, after the first few initial strides, running can turn into one long struggle to make it just ten more feet. If you're tired of stabbing a look at the nearest telephone pole and promising yourself you can quit if you only make it that far, here are a couple tips to make running a bit more fun.

Try a running club

If you're extroverted, running with others can make it more fun. There are plenty of mom groups, men's groups, and other clubs geared toward people just like you. If nothing else, knowing other people are suffering just as much as you are can make you feel more comfortable.

 Don't overdo

If you're new to running, trying to run a marathon your first day isn't going to help you any. If you need to switch between walking and running, feel free to do so. You'll still get the benefits of exercise, and eventually you will be able to run for longer.

 Take care of yourself

While sore muscles feel good in their own way, a throbbing knee or aching back definitely doesn't. Practice good self care to protect yourself so you can keep running for as long as possible. Stretch thoroughly after a workout, and let injuries heal before running again.

 Running doesn't have to be a miserable experience—in fact most people who run actually do enjoy it. The trick is to figure out what works for you so that the miles you travel are comfortable ones.



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