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Winn Feline Foundation hosts free virtual FIP Symposium

The Winn Feline Foundation’s education committee has organized the largest gathering of experts on FIP ever amassed in one place at one time. Experts are traveling around the world to partake in PUrrsuing FIP and WINNing at the University of California-Davis, November 16-17.

If you can’t attend in person, you can watch it as a live stream here

Rather than talking heads lecture, the event will primarily consist of round table discussions. The intent is for the experts to come to a consensus of some type for each round table. And there’s plenty to discuss.

Topics to be discussed include:

• Why there is  more FIP occurring now than in the past

• The role of increased fostering of kittens is associated with  more reports of FIP

• The efficacy of the drugs, GS-441524 and GC376 and most common adverse effects.

Panel moderators include:

Dr. Leslie Lyons, professor of Comparative Medicine at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at the University of Missouri.

Feline practitioner Dr. Elizabeth Colleran, representing the American Association of Feline Practitioner.

Winn Board President and feline practitioner Dr. Drew Weigner.

Learn more or sign up for the live feed here