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Secrets to growing a cool beard

Beards are becoming more popular these days, as beards are becoming more acceptable in the boardroom and other places. A thick, well grown beard is an amazing thing to behold, and getting one seems to be easy—just stop shaving right? Unfortunately, there's a lot more to growing a beard than just putting down the razor and letting nature take its course. Here's a few things to keep in mind.

It takes time

A fabulous beard doesn't grow overnight. It can take as long as 3 months for you to grow a short beard after you stop shaving. The thickness and speed of growth you get is dependent on your genetics, hormones, and age. You can expect a thicker nicer beard once you're in your 30s.

 You can help speed the growth and improve thickness of your beard by taking care of your health. The quality of your beard is directly linked to the health of your body. Eating right and exercising can help improve the appearance of your beard, as well as how quickly it grows.

Beard itch

Sometimes when growing out a beard you start to feel---well---itchy. The discomfort caused by a growing beard may cause an unbearable itchiness that some men simply can't get through. While struggling through the uncomfortable sensations may seem unbearable, beard itch from growing out a beard does stop within 1-2 months of growing a beard. In the mean time, you can make the transition more comfortable by making use of beard oil.

Beard oil softens and conditions your hair, and when worked down to your skin will make your skin less dry as well. It may seem like forever when you're in the midst of the itchiness, but just remind yourself that it will, eventually, go away.

 Growth products don't work

Just like so many other supplements that promise you the world but don't deliver, beard growth supplements are just a way of taking your money. They don't really do anything to help you grow your beard faster. Supplements like these also aren't very well regulated, so they may cause more damage than good, just like diet pills and other supplements that promise the moon.

 If you really want a fuller beard at top possible speed, your best bet is to focus on the nutrition we mentioned earlier. A healthy diet will get you there much faster than any pill ever will.

Uneven growth

It's normal for beards to grow in at different rates in different places. Expect your chin to grow in faster than your beard, and even missing connectors. Once again, time is the only solution for this. Give your cheeks a chance to fill in before trimming to make them look even. 

Beards can change your look in a dramatic and attractive way, as long as they are well taken care of. Keep your beard trimmed and oiled for the well-groomed appearance you need to keep your beard looking sharp and healthy.

 Read more by clicking on the link below

Growing beards 101