Vet Candy

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Clinical outcome in cats with lymphocytosis

Researchers evaluated the medical records of 94 cats that were older than 1 year old with confirmed lymphocytosis (>6000/μL).

Three cohorts of cats older with lymphocytosis (>6000/μL) were examined to define immunophenotypic categories, evaluate outcome, and determine prevalence of immunophenotypes.

Five immunophenotypic categories were identified: B cell, heterogeneous, CD4+ T cell, CD4−CD8− (double negative [DN]) T cell, and CD5‐low‐expressing T cell.

Among CD4+ T‐cell cases, cats with abdominal lymphadenopathy, intestinal involvement, or both and females had shorter survival.

B‐cell and heterogeneous phenotypes were consistent with a non‐neoplastic process and prolonged survival.

The neoplastic phenotypes, CD4+ T cell, DN T cell had a mean survival time of 752 days while CD5 low T cell had a median of 27.5 days.

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Immunophenotypic characterization and clinical outcome in cats with lymphocytosis.