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Interior decorating for men

Step into a home occupied by a single person, and you can often tell the gender of the person who lives there just by the decorating alone. Men and women tend to make different choices about what they like in an interior, and that's strongly reflected in the home when it's just one person. If you're a man, decorating gets a lot harder, because most home decorating tips are geared toward women.

If you are trying to figure out how to make your bachelor pad less like a frat house and more like you, here are a few tips to get you started.

Mix and match

You don't have to order everything from the same catalog in order to make your home look good. In fact, if you match everything your house may look stilted and unnatural, exactly the opposite of what you're going for. While you can still match everything, if you see a unique piece you really like, don't be afraid to throw it in there. The room will look better for it.

 Get a few decorative objects

Men tend to focus on buying things they can use—which is of course logical. You need a couch to sit on, you need chairs, tables, and desks. What you may forget however, is that the Foo dog guarding the front porch, the stack of old books with interesting covers, or the old globe sitting on top of the file cabinet are what add detail to a room. 

You need these objects to transform a house from a man cave into a luxury bachelor pad. What these objects are depend entirely on your personality. Buy what makes you happy, and use these to flesh out your home.

Add something old

Antique items tend to have a kind of character that new items don't. The worn, rugged look also goes well with a masculine look that isn't too overdone. Choose one or two pieces that are scratched, worn, and old to help set off your home.

 Consider adding houseplants

Greenery is a great way to make your home more inviting, and keep the air clean all at the same time. If you're worried about taking care of them, there are a variety of houseplants that can survive pretty much anything.

 Aloe is not only useful, it can survive a long time if you forget to water it through storing water in its leaves. Snake Plants thrive when they're pot bound, and do well if you neglect them. 

Absolutely can't decorate? Go vintage.

A vintage look is easier to pull off than a modern look, because anything older will look intentional. It's easier to pick out older items from new rather than trying to make a bunch of new items mix together in a way that's both masculine and comfortable.

Decorating your home is important. It's the place you come home to every day, and where you may well bring a date or someone else you care about. Having a place that's comfortable to be in is important for them, and also for yourself. You can pull it together with these simple decorating tips.

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Manly decorating ideas