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How to cope with stress in the workplace

Stress can lead to several conditions and diseases, many of which are life threatening. Unfortunately, the workplace is becoming more and more stressful. Finding a means of coping with this stress is of vital importance.

 It may be a good idea to figure out precisely what is causing the stress. A few things can be stopped, although not all can. As an example, bringing work home can increase stress in both the home and the workplace. It is important to take time to unwind and relax, so leaving stress at the office is one way of coping.

Other stressers can’t be helped. Being pressured to do more and more with fewer resources is often a cause. Employers are concerned about the bottom line and the employees pay the price. When this happens, there are still things that can be done. If you are in an office by yourself, consider aromatherapy as a means of subtly reducing the stress. If working with coworkers, it is wise to make sure they can handle the scent and are not allergic to it.

Stress balls and other hand operated devices like it can be beneficial. The squeezing of the ball releases tension, increases blood flow and reduces the likelihood of carpal tunnel syndrome. Chinese meditation balls are another method of doing the same thing.

There are times when stress requires medical attention. If you have problems sleeping, develop symptoms of anxiety or any other mental or medical problem that is stress related it is time to go to the doctor. He or she can advise you about other things that can be done. The doctor may also prescribe medications or suggest supplements that will help ease the problem.