Why you need to provide your customers with incredible service

Ask any customer why they left their old clinic for a new one, and you'll often hear a story that boils down to customer service issues. While it's possible their veterinarian retired, or they were refered to you for specialist care, the odds are better that the customer felt service was too poor at their old office.

 The good news is, you can improve your customer retention rate and attract new customers by providing incredible customer service. Happy customers are loyal customers, and are often the quickest to spread your name through word of mouth as well. A happy customer advocating for your clinic is worth more than any advertising campaign you could possibly put together.

Create a customer experience plan

What do you want your customer to see and experience when they come into your clinic? You want them to get checked in quickly, to feel comfortable in the waiting room, to be brought to a room quickly, and to get premium health care for their pet.

 You might change the reception area so that more shy or boisterious dogs can have a location to get away from the rest of the waiting area, or provide a small cell phone charging station in case people need to call home and don't have enough battery. 

Thinking about your customer every step of the way can help pave the way for a better experience for them.

 Improve connections 

Visiting the veterinarian's office is often an emotional time for clients. They may have to make tough financial choices, say good-bye to an old friend, or deal with their beloved pets medical emergency. How you handle both these tough times, and more joyous occasions, such as a new puppy exam, can make a big difference in how they perceive your medical office.

Showing sympathy to people who have lost a beloved pet, or having financing options available to help with vet fees, can make a big difference in how people perceive your clinic.

Not all clients will be kind to you, especially when they're already struggling with difficult emotional circumstances. Putting yourself in their shoes and finding ways to make their lives easier can really make a difference in how they see you.

Pay attention to customer feedback

When customers leave feedback, it should be taken seriously. Most customers expect to receive some sort of reply, and to get one within a week. What can elevate your feedback response from good to amazing however, is to be able to give a reply immediately.

Try offering a real time chat window where customers can leave their compliment or complaint, and respond to it as soon as it arrives. This is extremely responsive, and will definitely leave an impression.

Your customers are the life blood of your veterinary office. Without families and their pets, your office will quickly have to close its doors. Keeping them happy and coming back for more great service is an essential part of business, and one all clinics should take seriously.


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