Twenty-five things you didn't know about Beckie Mossor, RVT

While Beckie Mossor’s happy place is on her couch with her husband and pets, she spends a good part of her life on the road. She's one of those people that moves at the speed of light — speaking one day at a veterinary conference and the next taping her podcast show, Veterinary Viewfinder, with co-host Dr. Ernie Ward.  She's also a co-founder of Veterinary Advancements- a recruiting firm for veterinary professionals.

Beckie is  aspirational, down to earth, and driven.  Check out these 25 things you didn’t know about this amazingly cool veterinary technician and see why we just can’t get enough of her!


1.    “Guilty” pleasures that I don’t feel guilt about

I am learning to take the guilt out of self-care! I know you can't pour from an empty cup and to be better to those we want to be our best for. We need to take care of ourselves and be there for ourselves first. It makes us a better loved one and it is the LEAST selfish thing we can do. 

2.     How I stay in touch with old friends

I am not great at this! I hate to say it, but Facebook really is the best way for me to feel like I am "keeping up" with friends and family 

3.    What show always brings a smile to my face

Schitt's Creek, The Good Place, Grace & Frankie, and Nailed it are my go-to for laughs 

4.    How I add small moments of purpose to my day

I use the Laws of Attraction 90 Day Journal to ensure I am working toward purpose and gratitude every day. 

5.    Ways I have simplified your morning routine

Working from home requires an IMMENSE amount of discipline and the ability to stay on track and be motivated. One thing that helps me do that is meal planning and meal prep. This ensures I have a healthy choice to start my day without costing me a lot of time and distraction. 

6.    How I stay excited about and fulfilled by my job

My job is constantly changing and that keeps me excited. I am constantly challenged and work hard to ensure I am making any time a veterinary professional spends listening to me or reading something I have written, then it is time well spent. When I am working with working dogs or in disaster/fight response I am fulfilled by the conditions, the needs of the animals affected and the heart I was given to work with them! 

7.    Best tips for a stress-free family vacation

I think in general if stress, family and vacation are in the same sentence, you should think about gratitude journaling, truly reflecting and identifying what makes your heart happy can help you work through moments when you don't always like the ones you love.

8.    How I make decisions when I am stumped

I don't. The first thing I do is don't make that decision because I want to make sure I feel good about the decisions I make. So, I step back. I look at all angles, weigh all sides I can. I might reach out to my closest advisors in life or someone I know who has been through or has decided on something similar, and when my head and heart are in line, I move forward. When in doubt, call mom. 

9.    Lessons learned from my last decade of life

In the last decade, I have learned to lean into me. To get comfortable with me, my why, and the who are in it with me. I have learned the peace in letting go, well, I am learning that one still, and I have learned to let go of who I think I need to be, what I need to feel validated and to embrace the beautiful life I have and follow the stepping stones laid in my path for as long as they run. 

10.   Books I’ve recently read and loved

I have been reading the Body Keeps the Score and it is FASCINATING. If you have an interest in trauma or the brain in relation to stress and trauma, you need to read this. Out side of that, I am still working toward an undergrad in Public and Non-profit administration so I am pretty much devoted to textbooks and Brene Brown when reading anything. 

11.    The best work mistake I have ever made

Working with an incredibly toxic leader in a passive-aggressive work culture that imploded and led to some beautiful personal and professional transformations.

12.    My ten-second stress relievers

Just breathe. Stretch your neck, shoulders, let go of your jaw tension, let your tongue loose from the roof of your mouth and relax from top to bottom...and let go.

13.   What never fails to spark my creativity

I work with smart, hardworking, inspiring individuals, but especially women. I am always inspired through intelligent thought sharing to work toward a goal I feel passionate about...I get in this environment and creativity follows 

14.  My favorite inspirational song

This depends on the day, and the inspiration I need. I love music and I have a song for every mood, but it is ever-changing! 

15.   What is my best parenting advice

As a step-parent, I think to try not to take it personally. It is important to remember who you and how you thought, felt, and acted. It is easy to have the voice of experience, but can you reflect from a place of understanding and listening? 

16. Best lessons you have learned from work rivals

If you have work rivals you need to check your clinic culture. There is no room for rivalry in best patient care and best practices for staff and patients. Work rivalries are not based on anything but ego and insecurity (and yes, guess what, they run in the same lane) and in the long run likely have more to do with individual toxicity in one or both parties....there is room for everyone. 

17.  My advice to this year’s graduating class

This can be a rough sea to sail but trust in your ability to lose sight of land and you will find calmer seas of endless opportunity and experiences abound.  You will not always know where the wind is driving your sails and your life will change with the currents, but the experiences and impacts will remind you why you set sail in search of adventure in the first place.

18. How I turn bad days around

0ne word…Sushi. 

19.  How I protect your mental health

I work my ass off to learn, grow, and embrace all I can in learning more about healthy thinking, self-care, and boundaries. Basically, I breathe Brene Brown. 

20.  Tips for dealing with difficult people

I try very hard to think of alternative reasons they may be difficult than the reason I, client A is being kinda difficult, I might automatically think she is being rude or disrespectful, but what if I think about her being nervous or scared about her pet, or her parent is sick somewhere across the country and she doesn't have the money to fly there to be with them. Thinking of an alternative, more kind reason they might be difficult helps our empathy tuner to stay in check. 

21.  How I motive myself to work out consistently

I have an accountability coach. When I know someone is checking in to see how I did or did not do, it helps me! Plus I pay attention to the body changes I notice and I love seeing new muscles defined, new clothes fit nice or a better booty bump, so I look in the mirror and try to be POSITIVE about what I see. 

22. How I express gratitude everyday

Laws of Attraction 90 Day Journal...check out the Rocktbook microwave it to erase and reuse! Can we say, ecofriendly planner?! 

23.  How I boost happiness at work

Music, dancing, dogs, chocolate, coffee, bailing early and having a fun afternoon! 

24.  What advice would I would give my younger self


25. Best advice ever given

Ask advice from anyone you can. Everyone loves to give advice. No one says no. You can learn from anyoneI am learning to take the guilt out of self-care! I know you can't pour from an empty cup and to BE better to those we want to be our best for, we need to take care of ourselves and be there for ourselves first. It makes us a better loved one and it is the LEAST selfish thing we can do. 

 Check out Beckie on her podcast, Veterinary Viewfinder and follow her @beckie_rvt on social media


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